
NASBAからメールがキタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!!

Dear CPA Examination Candidate:

You are receiving this email because our records show that you have one or more open Notices to Schedule (NTSs) for the Uniform CPA Examination as of the date of this email. Previously, you may have received information that the AICPA would be issuing a new software upgrade for the January/February 2006 testing window and that a new examination tutorial and new practice tests would be available for your use by the end of this year. The purpose of this email is to let you know that the software upgrade has been postponed until a later testing window. As a result of this action, the issuance of the revised tutorial and practice tests have also been postponed. You should continue to use the current examination tutorial and practice tests until further notice.
All candidates may also review information about the timing of the upgrade and the availability of the tutorial and practice tests at


Pat Hartman

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このメールで初めて知ったけど、ソフトウェアの改訂って2006年のfirst windowだったのね・・・。もっとかなり先の話だと思ってた(ノ∀`) アチャー
まあこれで自分が受験する時には現行のままなんだろうけど。でも逆に考えると、second windowから改訂されることが予想されるから、慣れたフォームのうちに(2006年のfirst windowのみ!?)できるだけ多くの科目を、というよりむしろ全4科目を合格しておく方がいいっていう結論になる。まあそれなりに勉強してきてるし、ここまできたら試験までのモチベーションを保つための一因にしよっと(笑)。